Monday, December 30, 2019

My Experience My Personal Experience - 1199 Words

Throughout the 18 years that I have lived in this world, there have been many valuable lessons that have come along the way with experience. Starting from getting up and ready for school on time to making sure my puppy eats and uses the bathroom. Everything I have learned has come from different situations I have been involved in. However, the most collectible event came when I was just 15 years old. Majority of my friends had been studying for their permit test, while I was at home continuing my â€Å"video game career.† Knowing myself really well, I knew that I would put off studying for a silly permit test until the last possible minute as I did everything at the age. Months and months continued to pass me by and I had yet to even open my†¦show more content†¦While finishing Chapter 1, I noticed that all the information and tips given in the book were everything that I had learned in driver’s ed the previous semester. Once it was the end of the week, the permit book I was given was finally all read, and all the practice quizzes I had taken were at least an 85 or better or every single of them. My mother had noticed all the studying that I had been doing for the permit test that week and offered me to go the very next Monday to take the test. As a young 15 year old I got a little nervous as would any who is getting ready to take a test for the first time they have never bene given. This time I felt I was ready, with a raised head, eyes looking straight into my mother’s eyes I replied, â€Å"Yes Mom, I am ready to get this test done and over with in one try.† It was an early foggy Monday morning. Everything outside looked unvaried and boring. The only excitement I felt about taking this class was I got to get out of my math test that I had no clue about. We arrived at the DMV around 8:00 a.m. We sat there for more than 2 hours that morning. Besides the fact that I could potentially fail the test, sitting and waiting in simple and plain building had to be the most dreadful part of the whole process of getting my permit. I caught myself a few times with my head tilting down and my eyes rolling back in my head. This was the first time I had ever thought to myselfShow MoreRelatedMy Experience : My Personal Experience1114 Words   |  5 Pages My first fall quarter at UC Riverside has taught me the most valuable information, opened my perspective on various topics, and has brought me the most difficult encounters. Before I started school, I would hear the stories of students, high school teachers, and alumni about the struggles that college brings. I would simply hear the stories and then put them past me because I firmly believed that they were telling me this just to scare me. When I started school, I felt like it was my word againstRead MoreMy Experience : My Personal Experience1016 Words   |  5 PagesMy Personal Experience Friday, September 13, 2013 was my worst experience ever why? Cause it was the day I lost my mothers she decreased about 4 generation ago on she had an asthma attack furthermore, it’s not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. It was tough for us when I first find out she had decrease yet I was still young and still in Middle school, but I knew my soul was about to adjust by cause of losing my mothers will adjust the way I examine the world. I would characterize my mothersRead MorePersonal Experience : My Experience920 Words   |  4 PagesMy Personal Experience Whatever experience, we have either good, bad or ugly; our experience reflects on our behavior or action. In life everybody has their own experience; as Lewis N. Roe said â€Å"personal experiences are probably the most convincing reason to believe for any individual who has had them†. My personal experience is the 1st hand experience that belongs to my private events that have taken place in my life. This personal experience is what makes me who I am and shape me the way to reactRead MoreMy Experience : My Personal Experience945 Words   |  4 Pageswork I got lost in my studies, and just kind of forgot about all of the other types of people out there. There are very few ways to say this without coming off as a jerk, but through my internship, Ive learned that there a lot of interesting people out there, and for some reason, they seem to all collect at the vet office. This week, in particular, we had a wide range of owner personalities, and common sense skill  levels, from highly competent, to downright dangerous. It makes my job interestingRead MoreMy Experience : My Personal Experience745 Words   |  3 Pages I was 10,000 feet above sea level and all I could hear was thunder. 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My circumstances affect every facet of my life, from academicsRead MoreMy Experience : My Personal Experience772 Words   |  4 Pageslittle of my time on essays, while still being able to make them sound well written. This semester tested my ability to work on my own, without being told what to do. With newly given freedom, I often struggled with what I needed to accomplish . By looking at my portfolio, one can tell that I have developed my writing exponentially. I have become more independent and developed through the ideas and opinions that I have. Reading through my portfolio, the lack of concern and work put in my first essayRead MoreMy Experience Of My Personal Experience700 Words   |  3 PagesWhat I learned after my latest engagement photo session... I remember my own engagement session back in 2010. At the time, I was even sure that we needed one given that we had our wedding just a few weeks away. I didnt know many other people who had experienced one either so wondered why our photographers had offered us the opportunity to have one. Boy, am I glad we did. Now Im a busy mum of two with a life that has been transformed since then, I now look back on these photos with a heartRead MoreMy Experience : My Personal Experience821 Words   |  4 Pagesfourth grader looks forward to the adventures of fifth grade. In my elementary school there was a program, GEM, for the students who were ahead of their classmates otherwise known as the gifted students. I am the smartest person in my class, I have been a straight A student all my life. I work beyond hard to be one of the best students, so I know I will automatically pass the test to become a   GEM student.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Preparation was key to my success, but sadly, I didn’t believe it was necessary. The testRead MoreMy Experience Of My Personal Experience805 Words   |  4 Pagesworth the try. My fear for society has always been a thing, I don’t know why. It may not be a big deal to others and easy for others to speak up but to me it’s not. It’s not easy to be speak nor share, people who know me may wonder why but not even I would understand why. Growing up I have always been quiet but little does everyone know how I really wish I could be heard. I grew up with a small family. Although I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I have lived in more than one place. My parents decided

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Credit A Tool, Not A Crutch - 857 Words

Credit: a Tool, Not a Crutch Depending on the number, a credit score can be a powerful tool or a crushing burden on your shoulders. Unless you are independently wealthy you will need credit at some point in your life. Seldom do people realize how important credit is until they try to make a major purchase; for instance, a car or their first home. I made some smart and some foolish decisions regarding my credit over the years, and yet each was a learning experience that proved invaluable to my financial literacy. I had just begun my first full-time job and needed a dependable car since my old one was completely wrecked in an accident. Excited, I hurried to the nearest dealership and began to look around. It didn t take me long at all to fall in love with a nearly brand new 1997 Grand Am. The clinching factor was that it was the color purple, which was my favorite. I was ready to drive off in it right then; however, there was one major problem. I didn t have the cash to purchase this i deal, practically brand new car. Moreover, I didn t have any credit history yet. Disappointed, I returned home to consider my options on whom I could ask to be a co-signer. My grandparents explained quite vividly that co-signing was nothing to take lightly. It meant that if I didn t make the payments that the bank could force them to pay or it would ruin their credit as well. They had done so much for me already I knew I couldn t let that happen. My grandfather eventually agreed to be myShow MoreRelatedKyoto Protocol And Its Effect On Climate Change Essay930 Words   |  4 Pagesimportance of lowering the amount of CO2 being released into our atmosphere. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Integrated Free Essays

Tyrone Galimore Professor Tania J Quinn 100 las Experience, Learning and Identity January 4, 2011 Malcolm x, self-educated his self in prison, and gained self confidence in reading and writing. I see myself in the same position. My whole life I felt I was in prison in the labor work force. We will write a custom essay sample on Integrated or any similar topic only for you Order Now `I am attempting to self educate myself at the college of New Rochelle. In an attempt to get a degree, so I can improve my finical situation. I am my biggest mentor at this point in my life, and you (Professor Quinn) seem to have a great influence on my education. Your energy and your personal stories inspire me to believe in myself. Like the tutor in educating Rita; he believed in Rita’s ability that she could learn and change her life around. My goal is to be a better writer and receive my under graduate Degree, and eventually getting my master degree in teaching, and one day becoming a teacher. The thing that held me back from achieving a College degree in the past was family. I was just like Rita’s husband who wanted a family, but in my situation I was thinking with the wrong head.I had a son, and had to support my family, so I got a second job to make more money, and dropout of school. â€Å"The allegory of the cave† According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were not open to new ideas, but those who left outside the cave had a greater understanding of the light’s reality and realized there was more to li fe. It would have been hard to return after finding this new knowledge. Galimore 2 Malcolm X wrote to the minister Elijah Muhammad at least twenty-five times.He must have written that first one-page letter to him, over and over. Malcolm was trying to make it both legible and understandable. He practically couldn’t read his own handwriting; it shamed him to even remember this. Malcolm’s spelling and his grammar was as bad, if not worse. Anyway, as well as he could express it, he said, Malcolm had been told about Elijah Muhammad by his brothers and sisters, and Malcolm apologized for his poor letter written. (Alex Haley p. 173) My whole life I felt entrapped to the life style I was living.A blue collar worker just barely able to pay the rent and feed my family. On the job I felt like a professional worker receiving migrant workers pay. My professional skills were fine tuned to perfection, and my bosses and co-workers always gave me the highest compliments when it came to my work performance. Promotions on the job came up frequently, and these positions would be posted publicly next to the staff’s mail boxes where I could see them daily. The frustrating thing was I could not apply for any of these positions because I was unqualified. Most of these positions required a College Degree, something I did not have. Galimore 3 It was because of Malcolm letters that he happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education. Malcolm was increasingly frustrated at not being able to express what he wanted to convey in letters that Malcolm wrote, especially those to Mr. Elijah Muhammad. In the streets, Malcolm had commanded attention when he said something. But now, trying to write simple English, he not only wasn’t articulate, Malcolm wasn’t even functional.How would he sound writing in slang, the way he would say it, something such as, â€Å"look, daddy, let me pull your coat about a cat, Elijah Muhammad—â€Å"Many who today hear Malcolm somewhere in person, or on television, or those who read something he said, will think Malcolm went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to Malcolm’s prison studies. (Alex Haley p. 174) I realized by not have a degree my finical situation would not change. Sure I could get another job, but that’s what led to the breakup of my family.Working to many hours and not spending quality time with them (workaholic). I also felt like I had no real respect given to me in the position I was in, and felt I was afraid to go back to college because I did not want anyone to know I was a college dropout. My handwriting, spelling, and grammar need improvement also. The college of New Rochelle is giving me the confidence to take charge my future. Galimore 4 Rita faced many obstacles in her academic progression. She had two main obstructions, one was her working class background and the second was her husband Denny.Denny’s views are very traditional when it comes to the role of a woman. He failed to support her education and tried his best to distract her whenever he could. In the end the marriage failed because of Rita’s pursuit of her studies. Socially Rita was confused, around her family she felt that she can be better and do something better with her life than just have children and be a support system to her husband, but in the other hand when around her peers she felt inferior to her fellow students for they were so knowledgeable and she had nothing to talk about. Even with her not being certain where exactly she fit in Rita still maintained enough confidence to push forward and accomplish her goals. I faced many of the same obstacles in my academic progressions as Rita did. My work background was always in a blue collar capacity, always missing out on job advancement opportunities which meant better salaries of me. Letting my finical responsibility to my family first instead for going back to college and completing my degree requirements. This would have put me in a better position to spend more time raising my kids.Don’t look at this in a negative way, my kids are doing fine and turned out to be great young men, but if I had it to do over. Money and Quality time is a good recipe for a successful relationship. Today I maintained enough confidences to push forward and accomplish my goals just like Rita. Galimore 5 â€Å"The allegory of the cave† According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were not open to new ideas, but those who left outside the cave had a greater understanding of the light’s reality and realized there was more to life.It would have been hard to return after finding this new knowledge. Growing up in the community I grow up in, seems to me know like the inside of a cave. My perception of reality was of the perception of those around me. A product of my environment, a person always chasing the money and not allowing the money to chase me. I was a person who would not venture to for from my community, but always wonder what it was like on the other side. Now that I am at the College of New Rochelle, I have a greater understanding and realize that I can accomplish more in life if I try.Going back to feeling like I am just a blue collar worker is unacceptable, for I see the torch and I am going to light it one day. Failure is not an option at this point in my life, so whatever it takes to accomplish this goal consider this goal accomplished. Professor Quinn I will see you at the finish line. Writing Assignment #4 Education is Liberating Tyrone Galimore LAS 100 – Experience, Learning and Identity Professor Tania J Quinn December 1, 2010 How to cite Integrated, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Literacy and Technology-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Literacy and Technology. Answer: All that mankind has done, thought, gained, or been; it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books. The above quoted lines of Thomas Carlyle speak volumes not only about the importance of the books but also about the importance of reading them. Education forms a very important part of the life of the individuals and equips them to face the challenges in the later part of the lives in a much better manner (Blackwell et al., 2013). However, the process of education should not focus primarily on the achievement of the end results rather it should focus on the attainment of knowledge (VanHoorn et al., 2014). Therefore, with this particular objective education is being provided by the children by an early age. However, in the present times it is often seen that the teachers as well as the educators often take the help of various new forms of technologies and innovations to further facilitate the process of literary among the children in the early part of their education (Plowman McPake, 2013). This particular paper seeks to analyze the impact of modern technology as well as media on th e literary of the children. In the early stages of the life of the children special emphasis is given to their learning process with the objective of equipping them with a tool which will help them through the course of their entire lives (Livingstone Bovill, 2013). Therefore, at home as well as the school they are taught to read and learn new things. However, it is commonly seen that the majority of the schools as well as the parents use traditional system for the education of their children which have been in use for a very long time (Edyburn, 2013). Thus, the majority of the schools as well as the educators depend on the processes of recitation, repetition and others for the process of the education of the children (Edyburn, 2013). However, it is significant to note that in the present times with the advancement in technology and the availability of the various forms of media has much facilitated the process of education and literary of the children (Nickerson Zodhiates, 2013). Thus, it is seen that the ma ny of the schools, educators as well as the parents often take the help of the various latest innovations and technology for the education of the children. The most common innovations used are the audio and video recording of the various poems and other things which the children need to complete for their course (Nickerson Zodhiates, 2013). It is significant to note that the use of these recordings have double advantage as they not reduce the work as well as the effort of the teacher, educators and the parents but they also help in the learning process of the children and hence help in the development of their literacy(Nickerson Zodhiates, 2013). The use of latest innovations as well as technology for the education of the children and the enhancement of their literacy has been a topic of much debate in the recent times. Many people are of the opinion that the latest innovations as well as technologies should not be used for the education process of the children or for the enhancement of their literacy as the disadvantages of the process far outweigh the advantages provided by the same (Buckingham Willett, 2013). These critics are of the opinion that education should be conducted in the traditional system and the use of modern technology and innovations is likely to have many adverse effects on the children (Buckingham Willett, 2013). A common argument of theirs is that the use of the audio and video recordings for the education of the children is not only likely to affect the physical health of the children but also reduce their attention span in a significant manner (Buckingham Willett, 2013). However, there are other cri tics who believe that the use of the latest innovations as well as technologies for the process of the education and the literacy of the children will be very beneficial for them and help them to learn better and more quickly (Plowman et al., 2012). Many researches and studies have shown that the children learn much faster or quickly when the things which they are being taught are enacted before them or they are able to see and hear the things (Plowman et al., 2012). Therefore, the use of the latest innovations as well as technologies or more specifically the use of the various recordings for the education of the children is likely to have a significant effect on the education and the literacy of the children (Temple et al., 2017). Furthermore, the use of technology for the process of education from an early age is likely to help the children in the later part of their lives in a much significant manner as it is seen that much of the education in the present times is being conducted by the use of the latest innovations and technologies (Temple et al., 2017). Moreover, if the children are familiarized with the various precepts of technology at an early age then that will be very helpful for them in the later part of their lives as technology forms one of the most important parts of the human world presently (August Shanahan, 2017). Multiple-literacy is a trend which is on the rise in the present times and many parents want their children from an early age to make use of this particular trend. The term Multiliteracies was coined by a New London Group in the mid 1990s and is commonly seen as an approach to literacy theory and pedagogy (Reyes Esteban?Guitart, 2013). Moreover, the various scholars have identified two major advantages or the highlights of this particular kind of approach, namely, linguistic diversity, and multimodal forms of linguistic expression and representation (Reyes Esteban?Guitart, 2013). Therefore, in accordance with this particular theory many parents as well as the educators want the children to learn multiple languages and make effective use of them from an early age (Reyes Esteban?Guitart, 2013). In the opinion of many people this is done so that the children can learn the various different and new languages in a much better and also the mental growth is the maximum at this particular age so it will be much easier for the children to learn the new languages at an early rather than at the other stages of life when the mental growth is not as fast as the children mental growth rate (Roskos, 2017). Furthermore, if the children are introduced to the different languages from an early age then they will have more time to learn them in the most effective and also it is generally seen that the lessons which the children learn at this particular stage are retained by them in the later part of their lives as well (Roskos, 2017). Thus, it is expected that if the children are introduced to the concept of multiple-literacy from an early age then that will be very much helpful for them in the later part of their lives. It is significant to note that the latest innovations as well as technology plays a significant role not only in the general education of the children from an early age but also helps in the process of multiple-literary by means of which the children are taught to learn various new languages more effectively from an early age (Temple et al., 2017). It is commonly seen that the various schools, educators as well as parents take the help of the latest innovations and technologies for the process of education (Temple et al., 2017). The most commonly used mechanisms are slide shows, audio and video recordings, songs made out of the rhymes and various others. In the many people, the use of the latest innovations and technology in the process of education has not only revolutionizedthe education system but has made it much easier for the children. However, in the opinion of other people, the use of the latest technologies and innovations are detrimental to the interests of the education an d it adversely affects in the children in the longer run (Plowman et al., 2012). Therefore, it would be apt to say that there are advantages as well as disadvantages of the process of the use of technology and media in the process of education among the children however it would be apt to say that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages which are involved in the process. To conclude, it becomes apparent that a proper and sound education is one of the basic needs as well as rights of the children and therefore care should be taken that they are provided with the same. However, a recent question which has attracted the attention of many people is that whether the latest technologies and innovations should be used in the process of education. On the one hand, the use of the latest technology and innovations is likely to render significant benefits to not only the children but also the teachers, educators or the parents as well. However, the disadvantages involved with the process are also considerable. Moreover, when the advantages and the disadvantages involved with the process are weighed together it will be seen that the advantages of the use of technology in the process of education far outweighs the disadvantages of the use of technology and the latest innovation in the process of education. References August, D., Shanahan, T. (2017).Developing literacy in second-language learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth. Routledge. Blackwell, C. K., Lauricella, A. R., Wartella, E., Robb, M., Schomburg, R. (2013). Adoption and use of technology in early education: The interplay of extrinsic barriers and teacher attitudes.Computers Education,69, 310-319. Buckingham, D., Willett, R. (Eds.). (2013).Digital generations: Children, young people, and the new media. Routledge. Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Critical issues in advancing the special education technology evidence base.Exceptional Children,80(1), 7-24. Livingstone, S., Bovill, M. (Eds.). (2013).Children and their changing media environment: A European comparative study. Routledge. Nickerson, R. S., Zodhiates, P. P. (Eds.). (2013).Technology in education: Looking toward 2020. Routledge. Plowman, L., McPake, J. (2013). Seven myths about young children and technology.Childhood Education,89(1), 27-33. Plowman, L., Stevenson, O., Stephen, C., McPake, J. (2012). Preschool childrens learning with technology at home.Computers Education,59(1), 30-37. Reyes, I., Esteban?Guitart, M. (2013). Exploring Multiple Literacies from Homes and Communities: A Cross?cultural Comparative Analysis.International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning, and Culture, 155-171. Roskos, K. A. (Ed.). (2017).Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives. Routledge. Temple, C. A., Ogle, D., Crawford, A. N., Freppon, P. (2017).All children read: Teaching for literacy in today's diverse classrooms. Pearson. VanHoorn, J., Nourot, P. M., Scales, B., Alward, K. R. (2014).Play at the center of the curriculum. Pearson Higher Ed

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Yahoo Vs Lycos Essays - Internet Search Engines, Lycos, Yahoo!

Yahoo Vs Lycos When searching on the Internet, one may find it difficult sometimes to know where to start. With the seemingly limitless amount of information, one should use the resource suitable for the searcher's needs and tastes. Comparing different factors like databases, directory types, strengths and weaknesses of two search engines, such as Yahoo! and Lycos, can provide an advantage to someone looking for a starting block. To start with, one of the oldest search engines on the web, Lycos continues to thrive mainly by providing a mix of features. As the trend with the other major search tools, Lycos consists of a conglomeration of databases, online services, and other Internet properties. In terms of general searching, Lycos search engine displays the new advanced search with FAST, which means searching one of the largest Web page databases. Within the last year, Lycos made its main directory a version of the Open Directory Project. With a goal of this directory reaching the status of the most comprehensive directory of the web, and with over 1.8 million listings in 283,798 categories, it includes more pages than Yahoo!. Similar to Yahoo!, Lycos has searchable listings by category and the sites are reviewed and categorized by editors. Humans perform better at making these kinds of decisions than computers, so results will often eclipse with the other search engines. While Yahoo! can take months to take submissions of new Web sites, sites usually start in the Open Directory Project within weeks. Most searchers like the easy to understand hierarchical organization of Yahoo! and selective listings, and the Open Directory Project quickly develops a somewhat comparable data base that benefits from a marginal amount of quality control. Basically, the only limitations of Lycos as a truly great search engine include the slow refresh rate of its database, the lack of direct Boolean searching, and its need to provide relevant results and eliminate redundant pages. On the other hand, Yahoo! continues by far as the most popular way to find information on the web of any of the search engines and directories. With one of the smallest databases, Yahoo! gets more traffic than Lycos and AltaVista put together. Yahoo! enjoys success because its quality control is high, providing users with high quality links without all the redundant listings that plague so many of the search engines, such as Lycos. Yahoo! constitutes more of a directory, not a search engine, making it possible to look up information within categories. In many of the search engines, a search responds to the whims of the particular algorithm used by the engine and depends on how well the pages match the search engines criteria, regardless of the actual real life relevancy of the page and site content. In contrast, Yahoo! uses people instead of a computer algorithm to ensure that sites displayed appropriately, only lists valid sites, and generally only the home page of a site. While some consider Yahoo! one of the best ways to find information on the net, it does have a number of limitations. To find relevant information can take many steps through a morass of categories. The only information in the database, for the most part, constitutes homepage data. Also, more and more of Yahoo!'s listings are out-of-date and link to sites that no longer exist. But despite its limitations, Yahoo's category index, search options and dozens of additional features still merit a high rating. If a searcher prefers to search for a specific topic rather than browse through subjects, or search within a particular category, better results will show if he/she uses Yahoo's Search Options page, rather than its home page search engine. Here, one can choose to search Yahoo, Usenet, and Email addresses, and to search through Yahoo Categories, Web Sites, Today's News and Net Events. In conclusion, comparing various factors such as databases directory types, strengths and weaknesses of Yahoo! and Lycos, can provide a place to begin when attempting to search for information on the web. Bibliography: Works Cited Page Notess, Greg. Search Engine Showdown: The Users' Guide to Web Searching. 8 Sept. 2000. . Sullivan, Danny. Search Engine Watch. 8 Sept. 2000. Westera, Gillian. Comparison of Search Engine User Interface Capabilities. 2 May 2000. Curtin University of Technology. 8 Sept. 2000. staffpages/gwpersonal/senginestudy/compare.htm>

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The Perceptions Of Life

The perceptions of life I thought that it would be fun to be a physician’s assistant. The though of doing the doctors job when he couldn’t would make me feel like I was in charge of things, but was I wrong. Its more work than I thought. Being a P.A takes time and a whole lot of prayer. You must watch your emotions and separate them from work, and reality. When people come in the office they come in for care, and not opinions. I had to learn the hard way. One day a lady came into the office with a very deep cut to her side. When I was paged to view the cut, and to determine wither or not the lady would need stitches I simply had no Idea what I was getting myself into. When I walked in the room with the lady’s chart in my hand I looked up to see that the lady had been badly beaten. When I asked her what happened she said that she had fallen down all of the stairs in her house. I could tell that she had been hit in her face many times. So as most P.As do I called for the x-ray of the skull and of her side, just to make sure that everything was okay and that nothing was broken. I asked the lady to remove her shirt she was very slow about the matter. After she removed her shirt, and I saw the eight inch gash in her side I knew in my heart that some crazy man had done this to her. I asked my nurse to leave the room and I begin to ask the lady every question in the book. I asked her when did this happen and why? She told me that it was none of my concern, and to stitch her up so she could go home. My heart went out to the woman because seeing her pain made me remember my abusive relationship, and going through the same thing that she did. It hurt to see that she knew that a man had hurt her, but she was blindly in love to see that. I told her that I knew what really happened, and she was safe to tell me anything. When I offered her my friendship from one abused to the next she said that she did not want my pity. I knew that the... Free Essays on The Perceptions Of Life Free Essays on The Perceptions Of Life The perceptions of life I thought that it would be fun to be a physician’s assistant. The though of doing the doctors job when he couldn’t would make me feel like I was in charge of things, but was I wrong. Its more work than I thought. Being a P.A takes time and a whole lot of prayer. You must watch your emotions and separate them from work, and reality. When people come in the office they come in for care, and not opinions. I had to learn the hard way. One day a lady came into the office with a very deep cut to her side. When I was paged to view the cut, and to determine wither or not the lady would need stitches I simply had no Idea what I was getting myself into. When I walked in the room with the lady’s chart in my hand I looked up to see that the lady had been badly beaten. When I asked her what happened she said that she had fallen down all of the stairs in her house. I could tell that she had been hit in her face many times. So as most P.As do I called for the x-ray of the skull and of her side, just to make sure that everything was okay and that nothing was broken. I asked the lady to remove her shirt she was very slow about the matter. After she removed her shirt, and I saw the eight inch gash in her side I knew in my heart that some crazy man had done this to her. I asked my nurse to leave the room and I begin to ask the lady every question in the book. I asked her when did this happen and why? She told me that it was none of my concern, and to stitch her up so she could go home. My heart went out to the woman because seeing her pain made me remember my abusive relationship, and going through the same thing that she did. It hurt to see that she knew that a man had hurt her, but she was blindly in love to see that. I told her that I knew what really happened, and she was safe to tell me anything. When I offered her my friendship from one abused to the next she said that she did not want my pity. I knew that the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exegetical Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exegetical Project - Essay Example In Mathew and Mark, Jesus is anointed in the house of Simon Peter the leper. As he sat at a table, a woman came with an alabaster flask containing expensive spikenard oil. She broke it and poured the oil on Jesus’ head. The people around criticized this action as the oil could have been sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor (Ehrman, 2004). However, Jesus defended her saying that she had done a good work. He says, â€Å"For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always. She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial.† In Luke, a sinful woman anoints Jesus when he was at a Pharisees house where he had been invited for dinner. The woman leaned on Jesus’ feet with an alabaster jar of perfume. She stood behind him weeping then began to wet his feet with her tears. She wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair, kissed them then poured perfume on them. When the Pharisee saw this, he said to himself, â€Å"If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.† Jesus replied Simon by telling him the story of a moneylender. One man owed him five denarii while the other owed him fifty but he forgave them both. Then Jesus asked which of the two were happier. Simon replied that the one who was forgiven the most debt was happier. Jesus said that in the same way, â€Å"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little† (Ehrman, 2004). In John, Six days after Passover Jesus went to Bethany where Lazarus lived whom he had raised from the dead. A dinner was set in his honor. Mary came with a pint of pure and, an expensive perfume, poured it on Jesus’ feet, and wiped his feet with her hair. However, Judas Iscariot objected saying that that perfume could have been sold and mo ney given to the poor. Jesus replied, â€Å"It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.† The four bible stories have certain similarities and differences. In Mathew, Mark, and John, the anointing occurred in Bethany while in Luke the anointing occurred at an unspecified place in Pharisees house. In all the bible stories, women did the anointing. In two of the instances, the women wipe Jesus’ feet with their hair after anointing it. In the other instance, the anointing is done on Jesus’ head instead of his feet. In all the instances, the anointing is done when Jesus is honored by a meal in all the houses. The host in three of the instances was named Simon while the other was Lazarus (Ehrman, 2004). In Mathew and Mark, no specifics are given about the name of the woman in question while in Luke, the woman is described as the woman in the city, which was a sinn er. In John, the woman is Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus. In all cases, the event took place in Bethany. In Mathew and mark, it is clear that Jesus was in Bethany while in Luke Jesus was from Capernaum and Nain which are on the way to Bethany. In John also, Lazarus lived in Bethany. In Mathew, Mark, and Luke, the alabaster box of precious ointment was used. To Mark and John, the ointment of spikenard was used. In Mathew, Mark, and John, the people around believe that the precious ointment could have been s

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Access to Insurance versus Access to Care Research Paper

Access to Insurance versus Access to Care - Research Paper Example Insurance and access to healthcare serve a basis of intensive debate that is tailored towards addressing pertinent issues in healthcare. Access to insurance and access to care are two different concepts. Health insurance is risk mitigation measure where an individual transfers health risks to another party, and makes premium payments to that party in return. In other words, insurance premiums guarantee healthcare coverage by the insurer. The ability to pay for insurance covers measures access to insurance. When premiums are high, then the number of people that can afford the insurance cover is low, and vice versa. The affordability of insurance measures the relative accessibility. On the other hand, access to care refers to the ease of receiving care by a patient when in need. Access to health encompasses primary care, healthcare specialists, and emergency treatment (Berenson & Rich, 2010). Access to care measures the ease or difficulties associated with getting services across the three variables. In this regard, holding an insurance cover does not necessarily guarantee access to care. For instance, Medicare program caters for the elderly and disables populations in the United States (Getzen, 2010). However, the program is divided into various parts, each of which outlines the extent of healthcare variables provided for by that part. Each part provides healthcare insurance, but limits care services accessed under that part. The federal health care reform legislation of 2010 seeks to promote universal coverage and regulate health insurance policies offered by insurance companies (The Joint Commission, 2012). The legislation also seeks to enhance the extent of health complications covered, as well as push for affordable insurance premiums. Low income earners remain uncovered by insurance, a scenario that has negatively affected the health sector in the United States. The ultimate interest of the legislation is to promote insurance

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial Analysis of Target Corp. and JCPenney Research Paper

Financial Analysis of Target Corp. and JCPenney - Research Paper Example Presently, headquarter of the company is situated in Minneapolis. The company has been ranked 22nd by the Fortune magazine within its list under the category of â€Å"World’s Most Admired Companies†. Also it has been titled as the 23rd by Forbes magazine within its list under the category of â€Å"America’s Most Reputable Companies†. There are many subsidiaries of the Target Corporation: Financial and Retail Services (FRS), Target Sourcing Services (TSS), Target Commercial Interiors, Target Brands and Target had declared its expansion into Canada and has plans to inaugurate around 100 to 150 stores over there by the year 2013. The total revenue of the company during the year 2010 was $67.4 billion (My Target, 2010). Background of J. C. Penney Company, Inc J. C Penney Company, Inc., better known as JCPenney is one amongst many big retailers in the Unites States. The company operates with its 1100 departmental stores situated all around America a nd Puerto Rico. JCPenney also has sites on the internet for its trading in the retail sections of home furnishings and apparels. The company is headquartered in Plano, TX and has 150000 associates. The company offers a wide variety of brands inclusive of private brands, national brands and exclusive brands to more than 50 percent of the American people. The company depicted annual revenue of $17.8 billion during the year 2010 (JCPenney, 2010). Calculation of Ratio for Target Corporation and J. C. Penney Company, Inc Ratios Target Corporation (in millions $ except number of shares) J. C. Penney Company, Inc (in millions $ except number of shares) Book Value Per Share Ratio = (Total shareholder equity – Preferred equity) / Total outstanding shares (15487-0) / 704038218 = 0.000022 (5460-0) / 237000000 = 0.000023 Current ratio = Current asset / Current liabilities 17213 / 10070 = 1.71 6370 / 2647 = 2.41 Net Profit Margin on Sales = Net Earnings / Sales 2920 / 67390 = 0.043 389 / 17759 = 0.022 Earnings per Share = (Net income- Dividends on preferred stock) Average outstanding shares 2920 / 704038218 = 4.00 (Diluted earnings per share) 389/ 237000000 = 1.64 (Diluted earnings per share) EBITDA per share = EBITDA / Outstanding shares 7336 / 704038218 = 10.4 1343 / 237000000 = 5.67 Debt/Equity Ratio = Long term debt / Common stock equity 3954 / 3370 = 1.17 3099 / 4043 = 0.77 Interpretation and Description of the Findings From analyzing the book value per share ratio of a company, not many facts can be interpreted. Book value is rather the accounting value of the shares of a company. This value is considerably different from the market value of the shares. Book values are determined on the basis of the company’s retained earnings and costs whereas market values are determined on the basis of expectations of investors. On comparing the book value and the market value of the company’s shares, inferences can be derived as to whether the company’ s stock is overvalued or undervalued. The only situation when book value can be useful is when the market value of the company’s stock is lower than the book value of the stock. This situation seldom arises but if this arises, then the investors anticipate the company to be undervalued and are attracted to buy. The market value of Target Corporation is $51.19 and the book value would be approximately $22. This

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Relationship among Organizational Citizenship Behaviours

Relationship among Organizational Citizenship Behaviours Abstract Organizational citizenship behaviour is an important factor that aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization (Organ, 1988). And the job satisfaction is defined to be a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). Researches have been done to measure the relationship between the job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours. Some results show there are relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours while some argue there are little relationship between this two factors. The aim of this paper is to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours and measure whether other factors such as age and service length by using the questionnaire to collect data. Introduction In recent years a number of studies have expanded the understanding of organizational citizenship behaviour within the workplace. Organizational citizenship behaviour refers to individual behaviours that are discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization(Organ, 1988). In the early 1980s, the term organizational citizenship behaviors was created to depict extra-role those behaviors previously described by Katz (Smith et al., 1983). Katz maintained that organizational citizenship behaviors are vital to organizational survival and effectiveness. He also provided several examples of important extra-role behaviors, among them are actions that protect the organization and its property, constructive suggestions for improving the organization, self-training for additional responsibility, creating a favorable climate for the organization in its surrounding environments, and coop erative activities (Katz, 1964). Katz and Kahn (1966) suggested that organizational citizenship behaviors were spontaneous and innovative. Moorman and Blakely (1995) pointed out that organizational citizenship behaviours were beneficial and desirable from an organizational perspective, however, the behaviours were difficult to be increased through contractual arrangements or formal rewards. Bolon (1997) emphasized that organizational citizenship behaviours were not enforceable requirements of the role or the job descriptions, which were the clearly specifiable terms of the persons employment contract with the organization. The behaviors were matters of personal choices. The omission was not generally understood as punishable. Organ (1990) pointed out that the definition did not necessarily imply that organizational citizenship behaviours were limited only to those behaviours, which were lacking in tangible return to the person who performs such behaviours. He also maintained that a continual demonstration of organizational citizenship behaviours over time may influence the impression of coworkers or supervisors who develop concerning a particular employee. The impression could play an important role in future reward considerations, such as a salary increase or a promotion. Organizational citizenship behaviours have been linked to many work-related factors, for example, it has been associated with organizational commitment (Bolon, 1997), and transformational leader behaviours (Podsakoff et al., 1990). Studies have found that organizational citizenship behaviour is associated with job satisfaction (eg. Bolon, 1997). Job satisfaction has been gaining steady attention. Job satisfaction could be defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences (Locke, 1976). The term job satisfaction was first coined by Hoppock in 1935. He defined it as the satisfactory feeling on both psychological and physical sides of the employees about the working conditions. It is the subjective responses of subordinates to work situations. Porter (1973) suggested that the extent of job satisfaction was the difference between the one who really acquires from work and the one who believed that he should acquire from work. A common view among managers is that satisfied employees were more productive than dissatisfied employees. Robbins (2001) suggested that job satisfaction was not only a general attitude toward ones job, but also the differences between the amount of reward workers received and the amount they believe they should receive. In addition, he presented that the term of job satisfaction refers to an individuals general attitude toward his or her job. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive attitudes toward the job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative attitudes about the job. As a psychological need and a factor to well being, job satisfaction is believed to have an environmental and genetic component (Arvey et al., 1989). There are several different variables, which are related to job satisfaction, such as cultural values, transformational leader behaviours and organizational commitment (Kirkman and Shapiro, 2001; Podsakoff et al., 1990; Feather and Rauter, 2004). There has increasing attention to the possible relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. Transformational leaders are those who broaden and elevate the interests of their followers, generate awareness and commitment of individuals to the purpose and mission of the group, and they enable subordinates to transcend their own self-interests for the betterment of the group (Seltzer et al., 1989). Transformational leadership is one of the groups of models describing leadership as an influencing social interaction or process. The process refers to one or a group of individuals which influence the behaviour of other people in an organizational setting for the purpose of achieving or accomplishing organizational objectives (Yukl, 2002). Transformational leadership behaviours raise the consciousness of followers about what is important, move followers to transcend the self-interest for the good of the organization, and raise their concerns for higher level needs on Maslows hierarchy (Bass, 1999). Studies have found that transformational leadership behaviours were positively assoc iated with followers job satisfaction, and transformational leaders could increase followers job satisfaction motivated their followers (Podsakoff et al., 1990; Morrison et al., 1997) There is substantial support for the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors. Bateman and Organ (1983) found a significant relationship between general measures of job satisfaction and supervisory ratings of citizenship behavior. Schappe (1998) also suggested that cross-lagged patterns of the relationships between organizational citizenship behaviours and specific facets of job satisfaction revealed essentially the same results as overall satisfaction. Smith, Organ, and Near (1983) identified two separate dimensions of OCB: altruism and generalized compliance. Altruism refers to behaviours aimed at helping specific people directly and intentionally. Generalized compliance refers to a more impersonal type of conscientious behavior that does not provide immediate aid to a particular individual but is indirectly helpful to other people in the organization. Job satisfaction could be a major determinant of an employees organizational citizenship behavior. A satisfied employee seems more likely to talk positively about the organization, help others, and go beyond the normal expectations in their job. Moreover, satisfied employees might be more prone to go beyond the call of duty because they want to reciprocate their positive experiences. Organ suggested that the empirically supported relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours could be described as a reflecting relationship between perceptions of fairness and organizational citizenship behaviours. On the other hand, he also suggested that the cognitive component of job satisfaction appears to be related to orgaizational citizenship behaviours probably reflects the influence of perceptions. However, some studies argued there are no association between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours, which were considered to be related to other variables, such as transformational leadership behaviours (Podsakoff et al., 1990) and personality (Organ and Lingl, 1995). Other studies show that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours (e.g. Chiu and Chen, 2005; Foote and Tang, 2008). Researchers suggested that job satisfaction could be a mediating variable between organizational citizenship behaviour and other variables, such as job characteristics and team commitment (Chiu and Chen, 2005; Foote and Tang, 2008). Studies show that both job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour are associated to organizational outcomes significantly (Koys, 2001). Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour could thus be important variables for both employees and organizations. Methodological differences Methodological differences could explain differences between studies. Most of the earlier studies were based on samples from America and Australia, and almost all participants were employees in industrial companies. There is little focus on people with a higher education level, for example academics. The relation of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour could be different among academics, because of the high education level and features of academic work. The purpose of the study was to investigate and get a better understanding of the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction. In order to guide the investigation, the following specific questions were formulated: 1.What is the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction? 2.Are age, gender and length of service related to job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours? The hypotheses of this study are: H0: There is no significant correlation between organizational citizenship behaviours and job satisfacton. H1: There is a significant correlation between organizational citizenship behaviours and job satisfaction. Methods Survey questionnaires were administered to staff of Department of Human Sciences in Loughborough University. Both academic staff and support staff were invited in this study. Participants were invited to participate in this study by e-mail. The e-mail outlined the survey details, such as the research proposal and the type of questionnaires. Volunteers read the study information and filled in the informed consent, using tick boxes to agree to consent before completing the questionnaire. Data collection was based on an online questionnaire system ( The system provided a completely anonymity system. Participants filled the online questionnaire in directly to enable anonymity and confidentially. Data were collected automatically by the survey system. Of the 61 total personnel involved in such teams, 32 participated in the study. Of the respondents, 62.5 percent were female. Further, the mean age of participants was 45 years. The mean length of service was 11.5 years. Measures Organizational citizenship behaviours. To measure organizational citizenship behaviours, a 13 items five-point Likert scale (from 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree) was using (Smith et al., 1983). The 13 items questionnaire assesses citizenship behaviours and gestures through items such as I am willing to help others who are not able to work, I am willing to volunteer to give orientation and guidance to new members who join our team and I make innovative and good suggestions which help to improve the department. The instrument has two sub scales, which measure altruism and generalized compliance. Altruism refers to behaviours aimed at helping specific people directly and intentionally (e.g. giving orientation to new members, assisting others with a heavy work load). Generalized compliance refers to a more impersonal type of conscientious behavior that does not provide immediate aid to a particular individual but is indirectly helpful to other people in the organization (e.g. punctuality). In the study by Smith et al. (1983) the coefficient alpha reliability estimates were .91 for Altruism and .81 for Generalized compliance. Job satisfaction. To measure job satisfaction, a 5 items five-point Likert scale (from 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree) was using (Hackman and Oldham, 1975). There are The 5 items questionnaire assesses job satisfaction through items such as Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with this job and I frequently think of quitting this job (reverse items). In the study by Hackman and Oldham (1975), the coefficient alpha reliability estimates were .74. Statistical Analysis The data were analyzed in order to provide an answer to the research questions and test the hypotheses. To test the hypotheses and assess the correlation between organizational citizenship behaviours and job satisfacton, Pearson correlation analysis was preformed. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 16.0. Discussion The statistical analysis results show that there are relation between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviours, while either age and length of service do not influence job satisfaction or organizational citizenship behaviours. However, some researchers have found that there is no relationship between organizational citizenship behaviours and job satisfaction (e.g. Podsakoff et al., 1990; Organ and Lingl, 1995), while other studies reported significant correlation between the two variables (e.g. Bateman and Organ, 1983; Schappe, 1998). A possible reason might be because the features of samples are different. As personal choices rather than duties, organizational citizenship behaviours could be influenced by culture, education level and organizational commitment. One limitation of this study is the response rate. In this study, the valid response rate is about 50 present. Moreover, the sample size is relatively small. Another possible problem is that people who have higher organizational citizenship behaviours levels are more likely to participate the study than people who have low levels organizational citizenship behaviours. In addition, one limitation of the study is that university staff need to do more individual duties rather than co-operations. For this reason, the results of the study may not be suitable for organizations which need more co-operations, for instances, customer services companies or manufacturing industry Future studies In this study, the sample size is relatively small. The larger the sample size, the more sensitive the research in exploring the relationships of the variables. Subsequent studies could cover more samples. In this study, the questionnaire of organizational citizenship behaviours were answered directly by the employees, which was not appraised by their supervisors or co-workers. For this reason, the self-reported data may be inflated. Therefore, subsequent researchers may improve the design of surveys to avoid the bias Conclusion As the data gathered from Loughborough University Human Science department suggest that there are significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior while there seems no correlation between the job satisfaction and the stuffs age and service length. This conclusion may only apply to those workers who engage in more personal works and a different result could be expected when using workers whose duty includes more co-operation with others.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What The United States Can Learn From Japan :: essays research papers

What The United States Can Learn From Japan Japan and the Four Little Dragons in order to achieve their industrialization goals have a diverse set of policies ranging from limited entitlement programs to a education and government bureaucracy that stresses achievement and meritocracy. But one of the most significant innovations of Japan and the Four Little Dragons is there industrial policy which targets improving specific sectors of the economy by focusing R&D, subsidies, and tax incentives to specific industries that the government wants to promote. The United States could adopt some of these industrial policies to help foster emerging high tech businesses and help existing U.S. business remain competitive with East Asia. In Japan the government both during the Meiji period and the post World War II period followed a policy of active, sector selective industrial targeting. Japan used basically the same model during both historical periods. The Japanese government would focus its tax incentive programs, subsidies, and R&D on what it saw as emerging industries. During the Meiji period Japan focused it's attention on emulating western technology such as trains, steel production, and textiles. The Meiji leaders took taxes levied on agriculture to fund the development of these new industries. Following World War II Japanese industries used this same strategic industrial policy to develop the high-tech, steel, and car industries that Japan is known for today. Some American industries are currently heavily supported by the government through subsidies and tax breaks to farmers, steel producers, and other industries that have been hurt by foreign competition because they are predominantly low-tech industries. But this economic policy of the U.S. is almost a complete reversal of the economic policies of Japan and the Four Little Tigers; instead of fostering new businesses and high tech industry it supports out of date and low tech firms who have political clout. The existing economic policy of the United States fails to help high tech businesses develop a competitive advantage on the world market instead it stagnates innovation by providing incentives primarily to existing business. The structure of U.S. industrial policy like the structure of an advance welfare state has emphasized rewarding powerful lobbying groups and has not targeted emerging sectors of the economy. The current U.S. industrial policy is a distribution strategy and not a development strategy. Instead of this ad-hoc industrial policy the United States should follow Japan's model of strategic targeting of emerging technology. The U.S. instead of pouring its money into subsidies and tax breaks for failing low-tech industries should provide loans, subsidies and R&D money for firms that are producing high technology products. Unfortunately, there are several impediments to copying